Introducing Carb!

September 25, 2020

My wife Kate was diagnosed with T1 diabetes over 30 years ago. I'm proud to be her supportive parter as she manages it. Recently, she said that she needed an app to help simplify the work of measuring carbs. Looking up data in nutrition references, tallying, and then portioning felt slow and like it involved too much mental math.

I knew I needed to help. I told her I thought I could build something like that, and started to work.

Introducing Carb! Carb is a nutrition reference for people with diabetes that lets you look up carb info in seconds. It eliminates the mental math from all stages of the process. You can enter measurements in a variety of common units, it tallies multiple foods or ingredients together, and it can even help you calculate the nutrition info for a portion of a recipe.

Sometimes, people with diabetes don't like looking up carb info because it's takes too long and requires a bunch of mental math. If the qualified health professionals you're working with suggest that measuring your carb intake will help with your diabetes management and you want the fastest and easiest way to measure, Carb is built with you in mind.

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